$60,615,000 - Environmental Stewardship, Maintenance and Programming; for stewardship awareness programs, teen leadership, senior and adult programs, teen transportation and assistance for low-income families, tree, trail and field maintenance and restoration.
$101,584,000 - Development projects; for art projects, off-leash areas, conversion of property, etc.
$26,000,000 - Acquisition; for land purchase and green space preservation for forested hillsides and creek corridors.
$10,000,000 - Opportunity Fund; for unforeseen park development projects and land acquisition opportunities. Priority was given to projects that address a park or open space deficiency and are in areas experiencing growth.
- In the southwest sector of the city 18 projects have been completed and15 are underway. Some projects include the Alki Bathhouse, Delridge Open Space, Duwamish Head Greenbelt, Longfellow Creek Trail, Me-Kwa-Mooks Natural Area and Morgan Junction among others.
-- Through Jan. 2007, 41.9 acres have been acquired through the levy, while about 23 acres are still in the planning, negotiation or closing stages.
- About $21 million in state, county and city matching funds and private donations have been leveraged through the levy.