On January 31, The West Seattle Herald withheld its endorsement for the capital bond issue (Proposition 1) because the Seattle School District had not provided enough information as to why the seven schools selected for renovation were more deserving than other schools.
You said let the voters decide, which is tantamount to saying Proposition 1 does not deserve support. Your position is flawed for two reasons: (1) the District has published a huge amount of information on its website explaining the selection process and its criteria for choosing certain sites over others; and (2) a no vote protesting the selection of these seven buildings will do nothing to fix other, equally dilapidated schools such as Pathfinder in the Genesee Hill building.
In addition, the capital bond provides funding to improve air and water quality at schools throughout the district that would not otherwise get major renovations in this cycle. A fine discussion about specifics of the proposals - with a lot more information than your editorial - can be found at www.saveseattleschools.blogspot.com. I read through the discussion and came to the conclusion that there is certainly room to improve the process of identifying the schools that should be fixed first. But many people in the discussion thread came to the same conclusion I did - though the process is not perfect, the schools slated for improvement desperately need renovation.
We should support kids and vote for Proposition 1 as well as 2.
Ester Greenfield