'Leopard Lady' does pigs
PIGS ON SATURDAY PARADE. West Seattle's Kelly Lyles is putting the final touches now on "Pearls Before Swine," "Happy as a Pig in Mud... or Better Yet Chocolate," "Hamalot," "Frankswine," and "Hooray for the Market." The pigs go on parade starting at Westlake Park on June 2. Photo by Amber Trillo.
Thu, 05/24/2007
West Seattle's Kelly Lyles is known for her funky house, which was featured on "What's With That House" on television. She is also known for her unique spotted car, leading many West Seattleites to call her the "Leopard Lady." Now Lyles, 50, will have another thing to add to her resume. She will be doing five of the "Pigs on Parade" in next month's celebration of the Pike Place Market Centennial.
In the summer of 2001, downtown Seattle hosted a spectacle of pigs. 0ne hundred seventy decorated fiberglass pigs hogged downtown sidewalks, each in the likeness of Rachel, the Pike Place Market Foundation's beloved piggybank. In 2007, in recognition of the Pike Place Market's Centennial birthday celebration, the Market Foundation is reviving this successful event. The Return of Pigs on Parade will feature 100 new artist-adorned, fiberglass porcine wonders on display from June through September.
Pigs on Parade 2007 offers 100 sponsors the opportunity to host a fiberglass sculpture and 100 artists the opportunity to adorn a pig. Currently, 90 pigs are sponsored and artists are hard at work adorning their pigs. After the festival, the pigs will head to their summer homes on sidewalks throughout downtown Seattle where they will remain on display through September. On October 12 2007, the pigs will be auctioned and all proceeds will benefit the Market Foundation's efforts to fund the Market's services for low-income people - the clinic, senior center, preschool and food bank.
Lyles first got involved on the jury for Pigs on Parade. Her involvement grew beyond the jury and into doing the art for the actual event. Now she is the artist doing the most pigs for Pigs on Parade.
Lyles is putting the final touches now on "Pearls Before Swine", "Happy as a Pig in Mud...or Better Yet Chocolate", "Hamalot", "Frankswine", and "Hooray for the Market".
"Pearls Before Swine" is a pig that is covered with hundreds of plastic pearls, which Lyle said were very hard to find. "Happy as Pig in Mud...or Better Yet Chocolate" is a pig covered in, you guessed it, chocolate. "Hamalot" is a pig that wears a crown and yields a sword. "Frankenswine" looks like a certain monster. The last pig is "Hooray for the Market," which features a video screen playing stories about Pike Place over the years.
"One of the biggest challenges to this project is how much the pigs get damaged," she said. "The public can be quite tough on them, and we need to keep repairing them."
In fact, Pigs on Parade comes with risks attached. In fact, there is a "Pig Hospital" where the pigs go when they are vandalized.
Lyle also worked on the Mukilteo lighthouses project, and the bucks on the Eastside. She also created a public bench in West Seattle.
But she is best known in West Seattle perhaps for her leopard car and unique house, which features hubcaps on the outside walls and much more.
"I have quite a following here in West Seattle, people who drive by my house all of the time," she said. "It's definitely not a house you'll see again."
Pigs will be in a parade on Saturday, June 2 beginning at Westlake Park and winding down Pine Street into Pike Place Market, where they will remain scattered throughout the Market during the Centennial Street Festival. Festival hours are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday, June 2 and 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. on Sunday, June 3. For more about Pigs on Parade, go to http://www.pigsonparade.org. For more about Kelly Lyles, you can call her at 937-2058, or e-mail her at kelly@kellyspot.com. You can also drive by and see her house at 5029 26th Ave. SW. To see the "What's With That House" story on Lyles' house, go to http://tinyurl.com/3bmmw8.