For 15 years, as a parent and as a public education advocate, I have seen many Seattle School Board members come and go. Some were very good, others were mediocre and others were earnest but not effective. What distinguish the good ones from the rest are their leadership skills. Knowledge of the Seattle School District and its students is not enough to be an effective board member. An effective leader focuses on a few key issues; works well with other board members and the Superintendent and communicates often with parents and the wider community.
In District 6 there is one candidate with proven experience as a leader. That candidate is Steve Sundquist. Steve has been a leader in his work experience, in his role as chair of environmental organizations, in his capacity as church leader helping his church through difficult decision making, and in working with parents and staff in bringing the International Baccalaureate program to Chief Sealth. Steve has clearly articulated a vision to raise standards and academic achievement for all students, to close the achievement gap and to restore fiscal health and accountability to the District. He has also been a strong supporter and voter on Seattle School District levies.
Steve Sundquist deserves your vote.
Lucy Gaskill-Gaddis