Judy Fenton is running for a position on the Seattle City Council. I personally know Judy to be a woman of great character and excellent judgment. One of those character-shaping elements is the fact that she is the mother of six children. Having and raising children is one of the greatest character-shaping elements I know. My mother had seven and we have three. It keeps a person from being self-focused and self-absorbed, and trains them to be compassionate towards the needs of others.
The face of our city has changed. It used to be a city with lots of children. On the block I grew up in by Camp Long , there were over 50 children who were born and raised. That same block now has only about seven. This seems to be the current trend in our city. It would seem that we have become the land of D.I.N.K.S. (Dual Income-No Kids) and dogs.
Children are the future of our city and our nation. Cities which have followed the course of which Seattle is on end up becoming decadent, narcissistic, and childless; nice places to visit, but you don't want to live there. So, I'm glad that Judy is running for city council, because we need someone with a deep mother's touch, good proven character, and who will help keep our city child-friendly for generations to come.
Besides, I like her solution for the (Alaskan Way) Viaduct (which we soon need). A retrofit seems to be the best option and that waterfront park statue of a naked man reaching out to a naked boy needs to go!
Randy Leskovar
Calvary Chapel