This is the second request that you include the attached document and make it available to all stakeholders. The document shows election results from the March 2007 election on the Alaskan Way Viaduct, and is broken out by The Seattle Times to illustrate geographically how the city voted in the March 2007 Election. The returns from that vote show that significant areas of Seattle actually voted in favor of a Viaduct Rebuild. It is not a coincidence that the support was strongest in those areas of the city most affected by the transportation capability of the existing State Route 99 corridor.
I feel it is important to include the statistics which portrays how Seattle voted in the March 2007 Special Advisory Election (where) 70 percent of Seattle voters opposed the surface/tunnel hybrid and only 30 percent supported the surface/tunnel hybrid (and) 57 percent opposed a new elevated structure and 43 percent supported a new elevated structure.
These statistics from the King County Election office provide contrast to the chart on page 20 of the Stakeholder Interview Report. That chart was created based on inference, whereas the election results are actual fact. I am also disappointed that although the Interview Report states on page 19 that "there was no question asked about support or opposition to various replacement options," the graph on page 20 claims to do precisely that, i.e., express support and opposition to particular replacement options.
The Stakeholder Interview Report graph on page 20 is also based on "data points" that are heavily skewed toward governmental bodies and business interests, and are not a representative sample of affected constituents.
Summarizing, I feel this chart showing that 70 percent of Seattle Voters Opposed the "Surface/Tunnel Hybrid" Option, will help address my concern that the graph on Page 20 of the Stakeholder Interview Report could be misconstrued by the citizens of Seattle, the current Stakeholders and the Washington State Legislature to infer a prevailing strong opposition to a viaduct rebuild.
There is, in fact, significant support for a viaduct rebuild, and to state otherwise is misleading, as supported by the March 2007 election results.
Thank you for your consideration,
Gene Hoglund
Alaskan Way
Viaduct Committee