A lot of people woke up at dawn recently and spotted the most beautiful winter moon peering through the bedroom window at the huge saucer was peering over Vashon and Bainbridge islands and begging for a picture to send to sister Norma in Portland.
Not wishing to miss a fleeting second I jumped out of bed, and pajama clad trundled down the stairs in my slippers, grabbed my trusty digital camera and hurried outside to record the historic scene even though the night air, at 28 degrees put my whole trembling body in shock as I ambled across the lawn.
Holding my shaky hands as still as possible I got several shots and rambled back to the door before I turned blue.
Disaster. The door was locked.
That door had no bell so I made an icy scramble to the front door and rang the bell.
I knew Elsbeth was up but she must have been in the shower and washing her hair.
Pajamas are not fleece lined and I was ready to smash a window with a rock but spotted some pine cones off the neighbors Redwood tree. So I grabbed a handful of them and threw them up at the bedroom window. She was sitting under a hairdryer and just happened to see something hit the glass.
That did it. She looked out and saw this petrified guy looking up at her.
It took me an hour to thaw out but the picture was worth it. Sister Norma liked it but wondered why it was blurry. Next time I take a cell phone.
Jerry has been told to put a coat on and take a key next time the full moon beckons. He can be reached at publisher@robinsonnews.com