Very well written article in today's West Seattle Herald (Harvey Friedman Op-Ed, Jan. 30).
Government has had a set goal from the start and their intention was to get that to happen one way or another. Shame on a mayor from West Seattle that does not recognize the value of the viaduct and what it does to minimize traffic on I-5 and the Sodo streets. Perhaps if he drove during rush hour, either morning or evening he would see that.
A major concern is we cannot go without a the viaduct for any length of time. A commute to and from West Seattle will be a nightmare without it. Test it for a week and all government agencies would agree.
One option you did not mention was the cable suspension bridge over Elliott Bay. That would have cost much less than a tunnel, and would not have required shutting down the viaduct. Additionally, it would have been a new landmark such as the space needle is now.
Continue to let your voice be heard. Those that understand the need appreciate it.
Mike Boyle