In existence since the 1940's, the West Seattle Women's Golf Club is a member of the Greater Seattle Women's Public Golf Association, the Washington State Women's Public Links Association and the Pacific Northwest Golf Association. The club consists of both experienced and relatively new golfers and its main objective is to provide a friendly atmosphere in which to learn about golf, to play golf, and to offer the chance for some fun competition.
The West Seattle Women's Golf Club will have reserved tee times at the West Seattle Golf Course on Tuesday mornings (starting March 3), as well as Saturday mornings at 8 a.m. starting in April. Club members also play together at many other times and places during the week so there are plenty of opportunities to find women to play with. Annual dues are $70 plus a $5 initiation fee.
Dues pay for maintaining a Golf Handicap Information Number and handicap, reserved tee times on Tuesdays and Saturdays, weekly competitions (where prize money can be earned), most West Seattle Women's Golf Club tournament fees and the club's operating expenses. Greens fees at West Seattle Golf Course are extra.
Anyone interested in becoming a member should contact the membership chairman, Janet Gaunt, 932-7019, or check the club's Web site at If you are interested in meeting other women who enjoy playing golf, this is a great way to do it!