To the no longer very esteemed Seattle school board, concerning the Denny Middle School "rebuild."
Why did you throw common sense out the window?
Many, many years ago it was determined best to separate young kids from older ones in schools.
Now some ninnies have a "New Idea" and want to save a little money and throw all the kids together. Wake up! There are too many bullies already and you want to give them a bigger age range to terrorize. Shame on your ineptitude. You're dreaming, or worse, to think Option 1 or 2 will work.
Maybe you should put an elementary school there too. Or just go back to the one-room schoolhouse. Save lots of money. No principals or administration, etc. All kids walk to the neighborhood school. No busing or anything!
1) Remove heads from sand.
2) Realign heads on shoulders.
3) Contemplate goal of educating children.
4) Consider all children's welfare, foremost.
5) Design/repair/rebuild best facilities concerning item 4.
6) Quit using political spin.
We, the voting public, did not vote for Option 1 specifically.
We are not buying into the bribe of Option 2.
We voted for school repair and rebuild period.
There was not a mandate to combine the campuses.
Please don't screw this up before you could be ejected from office. You are supposed to represent all the people so do the best for all. As KOMO TV says "For Kids Sake."
Roger Farrell
West Seattle