be a mockery
We wish to point out that the change proposed to Seattle Municipal Code 23.45.009 Structure Height - Low Rise Zones by the new proposed Multifamily Zoning Ordinance would be detrimental in the extreme to our single family neighborhood which abuts the new proposed zoning categories of LRT, LRT 1 and LRT 2.
The current 25 foot allowable height for multifamily structures is being raised to 35 feet. Currently, under SMC rules, a 10 foot penthouse is allowed on the roof for mechanical equipment, play equipment, rooftop deck, chimneys etc. which gives a total height of 35 feet. Under the new zoning proposal, 35 foot multifamily structures will be allowed a total height of 45 feet.
However, the proposed re-zone will allow a 16 foot penthouse for the new elevator technologies, which would bring the height of the structure up to 51 feet. This additional height will very much adversely affect our abutting single-family-zoned homes, which are predominantly one or two story structures, in matters such as loss of views, sunlight, and increased shade.
If 10 feet to 16 feet in height is added to the new allowed height, bringing 45 foot to 51 foot buildings into our neighborhood, the designation of the building as "Low Rise" (LRT) will be a mockery.
Karen and Jerry Clegg
Admiral Way