A theory is not just a wild guess at something; theories are based on a substantial body of knowledge and evidence and both predict and explain the world around us. Theories are reviewed by scientists around the world and are checked and rechecked to be sure they are valid. Theories such as the theories of relativity, evolution, and plate tectonics inform us about our world and enable us to make sense of it.
Intelligent Design is Creationism in different words. Intelligent Design is not a theory, but belief without fact or evidence to support it. Evolution enables us to explain and predict; Intelligent Design provides no such capability. There are no competing theories to evolution.
Anyone can make a movie or narrative one such as Ben Stein did, but making a movie or narrating a movie or even starring in a movie doesn't make it true. We should ask ourselves questions such as what evidence supports the concept, what is the point-of-view of the writers, what is the purpose of the movie, what information is it based on, and so on? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and if there is no evidence, we should take care in what we believe. For example, we have learned a lot in the last few thousand years and we no longer believe in many things such as voodoo, witch doctors, a flat earth, the sun revolves around the earth, and so on and on. Why? The evidence does not support these beliefs.
Lots of people, from presidents to pastors, want you to believe what they say as it makes their life easier. Trust, but verify - use your own mind, ask questions, look for evidence, follow it, and decide what makes sense.
David Gould