You know I have lots more important things to write about but I couldn't let this feeling go by. I don't like the change we are forced to do.
I read the Sunday funnies tonight and for the first time it was like old times. I am talking about the comic Frank and Ernest. Asking the classic car salesman for a fin car and the answer were so like jokes we all used to be able to say-when the salesman said "Sorry no Fins in the back but there is a car with a couple Norwegians in the trunk." I used to be able to tell lots of jokes but now you have to worry about someone getting upset. I don't like the change. People have always called us names in jokes. Our family is mostly Danish and German, but we also have Polish, Swiss, Italian, and French, and we told jokes about all of them. We all did. Today if you said something they would probably have you put in jail. Why do we have to give up our ways for people coming in? We never had trouble with any race before.
Tell me, why do we have to act like we kowtow to newcomers? I guess maybe I'm the only one that feels this way. Thanks for letting me vent.
Kathleen Vogel