Was having lunch with my daughter in a very busy fish and chip restaurant that had limited seating, (when) an amazing thing occurred - a polite teenage boy brought his chair from across the room for my daughter to use.
Where did this happen? Not here but in a city in Australia that we were visiting. Our youth today in the United States many do not seem to following the direction of simple lines of courtesy, kindness or caring for others. Feel this lack of accountability explodes into the graffiti that is far out of control without means to resolve.
Or the careless attitude of disposing of litter everywhere on State Route 509 is an example, and the antics of youth gangs.
These concerns are not only costly highly disturbing degrading and a terrible eyesore for our communities. During our visit in Australia we visited 15 different cities and their many large beautiful parks that we found contained no litter or graffiti.
If Australia can accomplish and resolve these concerns why can we not do the same in this country?
Dick Thurnau
White Center