The city has to build a jail and two of the potential sites are in our area. Some say the sites are in South Park, others say Highland Park, still others say White Center. Actually it is not "in" any of them, but that is really an insignificant point not worthy of angst.
What is a concern is that a city jail with misdemeanants will be close by. Some will react harshly and claim never in my backyard. Well it has to go someplace as the Admiral Community Council said. Let's be calm and watch and listen.
What seems strange to us is that Americans are always seeking jail time for more and more crimes, and want longer and longer sentences. But we never want the jail nearby. Maybe Mars?
The jail must be built in Seattle because the county is booting out all but felony criminals from their jails. Higher costs and lower tax income is the stated reason.
We are not making any recommendations at this point, but we do rather think next to the regional fire training center might be a good spot, and rather out of the way of residential areas. But we think it is the time for facts to be considered and then a decision can be made with calm reason.
- Jack Mayne