In response to Jerry Dodson's misconception of Ercolini Park (July 9).
Having grown up in West Seattle and living just 2 blocks from what is now Ercolini park, I can say
Mr. Dodson's review of the park is far from fair or realistic.
As children, we would try and play in the large field that abutted Southwest Alaska Street, but were often chased off. When you're a kid, you would just chalk it up to a cranky old man. In retrospect, I'm sure Mr. Ercolini was just trying to avoid getting sued for a broken arm in a pick-up game of football.
Now, as I drive by on the way to my mother's house, I have yet to see a time when the park is not actively being used by kids of all ages. Throwing a baseball, playing tag, or just climbing on what has to be one of the best play structures in a park in Seattle. What a legacy to leave the city and his family.
This only proves that more parks of this caliber are needed in the city, and more importantly, in West Seattle. The huge population needs more walking distance relief to have a quick picnic and forget about the stress of driving to work over the West Seattle Bridge.
As for Mr. Dodson's concerns, I am at a loss. There are already noise restrictions in place for 10 p.m. park closures (as witnessed by other parks in the area; Alki and Lincoln Park).
What does he want from children? Seen but not heard? I thought proof of that myth being debunked years ago was already in place. Celebrate your kids!
Peter Richards
West Seattle