I must confess to never having read a word that Tim wrote for the West Seattle Herald, but I did read articles he wrote for Soundings, his first job as a journalist. Tim and I met in Boston in 1977 when we both worked at the Harvard Coop - before starting more serious assignments.
To find a reporter's job Tim sent out resumes to every paper within 100 miles of Boston and landed one at Soundings, in Essex, Conn. When they offered him a job writing for a sailing weekly (monthly?) he told them, "but I'm from Utah and have never even been on a boat!" They hired him anyway and he spent the next living on someone's big sailboat in the harbor - he quickly learned about boats.
We stayed in touch for several years, but as happens all too often, fell out of touch after several moves between continents (for me) and parts of this continent (for Tim.) I'm very sad to learn of Tim's demise and know that we have lost a great reporter, citizen, and man.
Bob Fuller