Thanks, Burien, for electing me to the Burien City Council. I met many wonderful people while doorbelling and attending coffee hours. You, the people, make this such a wonderful place to live.
We have serious issues ahead of us. Town Square is one. I attended the original visioning meetings and was privileged to help set Town Square policies while on the Planning Commission in the 1990s.
While on the Burien City Council I was excited to move the project ahead by voting to purchase the property. I am committed to the idea of a central gathering place filled with lots of shopping opportunities. But I am also committed to fiscal responsibility and to holding meetings for community conversation.
When the Council is working with the community we have the best of all possible worlds.
Annexation was not an issue when this campaign started but it became one. I have lots of concerns and questions. But my main concern is that the people of Burien have not had their voices heard. I am committed to community meetings to hear citizens’ concerns and positive comments so we can make the best possible decision.
There are many other issues: emergency planning, public amenities on the east side, neighborhood planning, and ethical government come quickly to mind. We will address them all together.
To help with communication I will be using my Web site as a blog. I will post issues on it. You will be able, with a click of the mouse, to send me your thoughts. Please visit often and talk to me.
I am looking forward to the next four years. I am looking forward to working with you. I am really looking forward to making Burien the best community in King County.
Again, thanks for giving me the confidence of your vote.
Rose Clark