I was surprised at the headline and details in your article "City jail eyed for two South Park sites."
The two proposed sites are, in fact, not in South Park; they are both at the edge of Highland Park in West Seattle.
South Park is some distance to our east. Surely a West Seattle Herald reporter should know that South Park and Highland Park are two different neighborhoods. South Park, to the east of East Marginal Way, is not even part of West Seattle. The reporter apparently attended a meeting in South Park, and the city's upcoming public forum on the jail issue is in South Park. Maybe that is the confusion.
Highland Park is the neighborhood most affected by both of the proposed West Seattle sites. It is the Highland Park Action Committee, which has been working the most on public awareness and organizing. That includes two well-attended neighborhood meetings to address the issue, a presentation at the 34th District Democrats monthly meeting, and ongoing communications with elected representatives and South Park, White Center, Westwood, Delridge, and Southwest District neighbors. We even have a petition now.
In your article, Katherine Cornwall, the city representative, asserted that a jail site can "be a good neighbor" - with the low-rise Regional Justice Center in Kent "considered the template for the new proposed facility. It sits next to ball fields, a shopping center, and the future site of the Thunderbirds Hockey Stadium."
This difference wasn't mentioned: the Kent facility includes courts, meaning that numerous lawyers, judges, and clerical staff arrive there daily to work, shop, lunch, etc. The West Seattle sites would be jail facilities only, meaning police and detained or released misdemeanants would constitute the extra influx and traffic. That is quite different and can't possibly upgrade the neighborhood.
The next community meeting (was) scheduled for Monday, June 23, shortly before the June 26 city forum. We expect a big turnout. The West Seattle Herald may want to send a reporter or photographer. Please see our website, highlandpk.net for current information. Please continue attention on this issue; it's appreciated, but correct the location of the jail sites.
Dina Johnson
Highland Park
Action Committee