It is fairly apparent that North Highline Council Member Steve Cox is engaging in misleading propaganda and fear mongering every time he slams South Park. I have lived here for three-plus years and have seen a general improvement in almost every aspect of South Park from our residential area to our business area.
We have one on the largest Neighborhood Association participations based on percentage of attendance vs. population. We have one of the most diverse involved communities I have ever seen.
Mr. Cox seems to have an agenda that may not be in the best interest of the citizens he was elected to serve. As a King County deputy sheriff, wouldn’t it be possible that his opinion is biased. Insulting South Park certainly indicates he is not educated about what he is talking about.
If I lived in his area of representation I would be somewhat suspicious of his motivation. If he really wants to become educated about South Park BEFORE he continues to slam us, I invite him to contact our Neighborhood Association or visit our website. At least that way he might have a clue as to what he is talking about. Always a desirable quality in an elected official.
Maureen Carroll
South Park