I guess the people in Des Moines expect they can get something for nothing. Your article on December 7 highlighted some election results. The voters turned down the tax increase that was to increase police service, yet a newly elected council member says, “I won because of the fact that I am in favor of restoring the police to its full size.”
What taxes will he raise or services cut to increase funding for police? He and many voters must not care, because that is an unanswered question.
Why did the Des Moines Theater, a local landmark, get closed down just before the Christmas season? Is anyone at City Hall working to get it re-opened? Does anyone care, or does the city want it closed to pave the way for new development?
We may have a "cohesive council" starting in 2006, as one of the new members says, but who will be looking out for the taxpayers, citizens and businesses when the conservative council members are gone? At least they asked questions and raised issues.
With a new, cohesive council that agrees on almost everything, don’t expect anyone to question much on behalf of taxpayers anymore.
Jeanette Burrage
Des Moines