Vote for Gov. Gregoire
Mon, 08/11/2008
We face an important and rapidly approaching primary on August 19. Fortunately there is a clear choice for governor. As a 20-year resident of West Seattle, I encourage all my neighbors to cast their ballot for Gov. Gregoire. The governor works tirelessly for Washington families, focusing on the issues we care about. Environmental protection in particular was a cornerstone of her first term.
Puget Sound waters surround the residents of West Seattle. Commuters travel over or across these waters daily. Before, we assumed that the Sound naturally flushed itself out into the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Pacific Ocean. Cleanup and preservation were not priorities. Today we know better. Storm water collects oil and other pollutants as it flows from our streets, onto our beaches and into the Sound. Ignoring sewage and toxic buildup threatens the wildlife and natural beauty of our nearby habitats.
Like many neighbors, I enjoy taking my dogs for walks. Some days we're at a park; on others we stroll around Alki Beach. These outing with the pups serve as a daily reminder for me that we need to take care of our open spaces.
Gov. Gregoire's unyielding leadership made our environment a top priority. One of Gregoire's greatest accomplishments was spearheading a bipartisan effort by businesses and conservationists to cleanup Puget Sound. The partnership brought together government agencies, researchers, tribes, city governments and nonprofit organizations to get the job done.
Together they identified target areas and went to work. Although we've only seen the beginning, future generations will reap the rewards of their efforts. Toxic materials are being removed from beaches. Communities along Hood Canal are working locally to reduce nitrogen levels that lead to decayed algal blooms and kill prized shellfish and other marine life.
Recently Gregoire took a two-day boat tour of the Puget Sound region, stopping in seven locations to discuss the Partnership with local elected officials and community members. The tour showed her dedication and passion for our environment and its protection. The governor called on all four million Puget Sound residents to join her in preserving our beaches, parks and waters.
Environmentally conscious economic development represents another significant achievement during the governor's first term. Everyday we recognize more and more how serious a threat climate change poses. Global warming is an issue that Gregoire faced head-on.
Gov. Gregoire reduced greenhouse gas emissions by signing a Climate Change, Green Jobs bill. Our state now stands at the forefront of renewable energy production in the country. Every day we find new ways to fuel our economy with wind power, solar energy and other carbon-free sources. Furthermore, she's begun adding green collar jobs, which will number 25,000 by 2020.
Having lived in West Seattle for two decades, I know how much neighbors here care for the future of our environment. We believe as Gov. Gregoire believes that acting now will give our children and their families the opportunity to enjoy Washington's outdoors. The governor leads the fight to cleanup Puget Sound and she brings forward-looking solutions for climate change. If serious about conservation, we must re-elect Gregoire to get four more years of real results. Join me in voting for Democrat Chris Gregoire in this coming primary on August 19.
Carol Hudson
West Seattle