Letter writer Randy Leskovar last week complained long and loud about HB2661, which added sexual orientation to existing civil rights legislation.
The thrust of his rant was directed at the section that added "gender expression and identity" - meaning that transvestites cannot be discriminated against. To drive home his point, he used as an example Corporal Klinger from MASH who dressed like a woman to prove he was "loony" and thus be discharged from the Army. Leskovar then goes on to use "loony" or "lunacy" or "lunatic" 10 times in his diatribe, hoping to persuade the rest of us.
Maybe he's forgotten, though. Klinger never was discharged because the Army never believed for a moment that a man dressing like a woman was a sign of lunacy or a lunatic or being loony. Most of the rest of us agree.
David Gardner
Genesee Hill