Washington State Rep. Shay Schual-Berke deserves a standing ovation for her work on campaign finance reform legislation that finally passed the House and Senate this year. She has brought fairness and democracy back into Washington politics by capping campaign contributions in port commission races.
No longer can corporate interests directly contribute $10,0000, $20,000 or even $60,000 as in the case of Port of Seattle Commissioner Bob Edwards, who regularly accepts huge contributions from corporate donors in order to keep his seat.
Though it is no panacea, the new law does help to even the playing field for citizens such as myself who've been trying to expose the very people who have kept Mr. Edwards in office, and the quid pro quo relationships they have forged together.
We need more people like Rep. Schual-Berke serving as our elected officials. Keep up the good work, and thank you.
Christopher Cain