I am responding to a front page article in the Aug. 30 Times/News entitled: "Part Two: Burien Addresses Utility Rates."
First, thank you for this series of articles. The annexation of the North Highline area is a very serious concern to many people no matter where they reside-Burien, Seattle or North Highline, and I appreciate receiving as much information as possible about this complex issue.
My concern is about the first question of Part 2: "How many water customers would be affected if Seattle annexes most of all of the North Highline unincorporated area? How much would their rates increase?"
I do not know who responded, Burien staff or elected council members. Your editor's note indicates it could be either or both.
I was very worried with the response because it only indicated the affect of annexation on one group of Burien residents who are Water District 20 customers.
I hope the writers of the response understand that there are a significant number of Burien residents who receive water directly from the City of Seattle. What will happen to our water service and how will our rates be affected by any of the annexation options?
I hope you will ask this question and print the answer in your next edition.
Toni Lysen
Shorewood and Burien