Burien residents will have opportunities to learn about the city's "preferred alternative" for a potential annexation of the North Highline unincorporated area at a series of public meetings planned for September and October.
Those attending these meetings, in turn, will have opportunities to give city council members their views on the annexation plan.
The council voted Aug. 14 to select as a preferred alternative the annexation of neighborhoods in Shorewood and the Salmon Creek/Southern Heights areas just north of the city. This would add 10,500 residents to Burien.
Council members will consider declaring it a Potential Annexation Area this fall.
The first session is a community meeting scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 7, at 6:30 p.m. This will be an informal gathering where residents can get information about the preferred alternative, ask questions, and talk one-on-one with city officials.
On Monday, Sept. 11, at 7 p.m., the council will conduct a public hearing at Burien City Hall. Residents will have the opportunity to make formal comments on the potential annexation.
Council members will continue to discuss potential annexation at its regular meeting on Sept. 18 and study session on Sept. 25.
Lawmakers tentatively are scheduled to act on declaring a Potential Annexation Area at the Oct. 2 regular council meeting.
Public comments are received at the start of regular council meetings. Both regular meetings and study sessions begin at 7 p.m. in the council chambers at City Hall, 415 S.W. 150th St.
Designation of all or part of North Highline as a Potential Annexation Area is the first step required by state law in the annexation process. Residents of the annexation area would then vote on the annexation, probably in 2007. If approved, the actual annexation would not take place until 2008 or 2009.
For more information, including a map of the preferred alternative annexation area, see the city's website at www.ci.burien.wa.us.