I have a story and a thank you that I would like to share. On Monday Aug. 28, at about 9:45 a.m., I was at the new Midway Lowe's in the self-checkout lane where I was almost done paying for my items.
I had my toddler with me in the car cart and I had my purse in front between the cart and the handle. The front of the cart was facing away from me. All of a sudden a man wearing orange construction colors-and, if I recall correctly, he had a pair of gold-framed glasses and sunglasses around his neck, came up to me and spoke over my shoulder.
"Can I offer you some advice?" Of course, I was a bit startled at first! He went on to say, "You really shouldn't leave your purse up there when you have your back turned to it."
He then walked over and said, "See how easy it would be to take it when you weren't looking?" Of course, I felt very foolish and could feel the heat in my face as I realized that he was right, and I thanked him.
While I know that I said thank you, in my embarrassment I am not sure how heartfelt it sounded to this gentleman. I hope he is a reader of the Highline Times, as I would like to again say thank you!
Thank you for pointing out something that I, for whatever reason, did not notice and thank you for sparing me the pain and stress of having my purse stolen. Most people would have simply walked on by and said nothing, as I'm sure some had already done.
Instead you took time out of your day and stopped to point this out to me and saved me a lot of grief. How refreshing it is to know that there are still people out there who know what being nice is all about! Thank you again, kind stranger!
Jenni Cass
Des Moines