I have grave concerns about the City of Burien choosing the preferred potential annexation area.
My understanding is that once a preferred PAA is laid out, we cannot expand the boundaries. This would be true for Seattle as well.
If this is the case, and we set the northern boundary and Seattle also agrees to set that as their southern boundary, then there is potentially no hope to change that boundary line since neither Seattle nor Burien could increase their PAA.
So as much as our city to tries to reassure us by saying, "Not to worry, we are just studying this," it becomes a boundary that is solidly cast.
Don't be strung along to believe this preferred boundary is easily adjusted with the next whim of our city council.
Once the PAA is declared, the ball starts rolling downhill and it is harder to stop, change course or push back up the hill. We will feel steamrolled!
The residents of Burien and North Highline both deserve so much more. More respect, more trust in our officials, more services, more to look forward to in the future to be proud of.
Please Burien, do not declare a PAA.
Peggy Sharkey