Please add my voice to those in support of the SeaTac fire levy.
Critical as it is that our firefighters be able to respond to the individual 911 calls within SeaTac, it is also increasingly evident that they are part of the larger fabric of a strong emergency response to wide-scale catastrophe, whether that means a collapsing viaduct, an earthquake, SARS at the airport, terrorism, or paninfluenza.
Federal and state government are spending literally millions of dollars to upgrade our emergency management system and preparedness; local jurisdictions must also do their part.
Without new buildings, our fire houses are likely to be devastated by earthquake. Without well-functioning trucks and ladders, communication equipment our firefighters will be limited in their abilities to respond and protect.
We need our firefighters to protect us every day. Today they need our vote so they can do that.
Rep. Shay Schual-Berke
33rd Legislative District
Chair, Public Health Financing Committee