As a long time resident of Normandy Park, I was completely outraged and embarrassed at the articles you chose to publish on October 25, "Conflict concerns are raised" by Ralph Nichols and "Appearance of conflict hurts Discover Burien" also by Ralph Nichols. I am outraged that Robinson News would publish such a biased news article on one of our greatest assets in the community.
I find it incredibly embarrassing that there were no facts backing up the accusations made. All the article consisted of was a replay of high school "he said-she said." Ralph Nichols should spend his time learning how to be a journalist instead of a gossipmonger. The only "concerns raised" were that of failing business owners because they don't know how to market and promote their own business, and need someone else to blame.
I was appalled at Councilman Gordon Shaw's comments; he is one politician we can do without. If our own leaders can't recognize what Debra George and Discover Burien have done for this community, he doesn't deserve to be in office. If anyone should be resigning for the better of the community it should be Ralph Nichols and Gordon Shaw.
Ralph Nichols started his commentary with a quote from Abraham Lincoln, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." Than why is Ralph Nichols so adamant about dividing the city more? I question what his true agenda is.
Lindsey Dembiczak
Normandy Park