The letter from Discover Burien's Executive Board in your Nov. 22 issue was a curious read.
The Board referred to a "perceived conflict of interest" several times. This "perceived conflict" arises from their Executive Director being employed by a Discover Burien member.
Many Burien businesses and Discover Burien members disapprove of this situation. However, they choose to remain silent for various reasons, including fear of retribution.
Also, the Board's letter indicated their contract with the City of Burien does not address this type of employment arrangement.
I suggest it was not addressed because common sense should prevent Discover Burien's Executive Director from going to work for a Burien business, precisely due to a "perceived conflict."
It seems this may be a REAL conflict. It cannot be good for membership growth of Discover Burien.
And since Discover Burien is primarily funded by the City of Burien with our taxes, it seems the Executive Director should choose whether or not to continue with Discover Burien or the other employer.
Jim Clingan