So the council plods on in the world of annexation.
How many times does the Burien City Council have to stumble over the North Highline deficit before they stop to really look at it? How many options does Council member Nelson need before she is able to make a decision? (See the quote in the Nov. 15 Highline Times.)
It seems as if the council has already made up their mind about annexation. They keep engaging the consulting group Berk & Associates to provide them with back-up information instead of going to an independent third party.
This situation is beginning to resemble the count and recount and recount again that was done in our last governor election. The council is going to continue requesting financial data until the numbers finally show what the council wants the numbers to show.
Do the residents of Burien care about the future of Burien? Or do the residents want to fund the known deficit no matter what?
The council already recognizes that the city will have a significant shortfall to pay for basic services if annexation takes place since the shortfall will be transferred from the county to the city.
James Sharkey, Treasurer
Burien Residents
Against Annexation