There are serious reservations about the airport for trails deal as presented. It is ill conceived and makes no sense.
King County and Ron Sims are attempting to give King County International Airport (KCIA), a great economic generator, away to the Port of Seattle. KCIA is worth at least a billion dollars.
The Port of Seattle is nearly $5 billion in debt and probably looking for new assets to mortgage. The rail line they offer to swap is worth maybe $175 million.
The hatched scheme is to convert the rail line to trails that few people will use during the rains. How does this help traffic jams on I-405 and the Eastside? A few bicyclists could benefit.
Preserving the rail corridor is certainly worthwhile but we need light rail on the Eastside, not more Port monopolizing and huge public debt to rip up the existing rails and then service the trails.
This is not a fair trade. It is a "non-starter"!
Brett Fish