The seventh annual Backyard Wildlife Festival in Tukwila will take place at the community center on Saturday, May 12.
The event at 12424 42nd Ave. S. will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., with the Wildlife Garden Tour taking place from 3 to 5 p.m.
The Backyard Wildlife Festival is a free community festival that promotes habitat restoration for backyard wildlife including birds, butterflies, squirrels and other small wildlife.
Highlights include:
A guided birding walk on the Duwamish River, conducted by Carol Schulz of the Rainier Audubon Society, at 10:30 a.m.
Procession of the Species Costume Parade at 12 p.m., featuring children of all ages dancing and marching in costumes that mimic their favorite wild Northwest wildlife animal.
CAMP REI to teach kids stewardship and respect for wildlife habitats in the natural world.
NW Trek Kid's Zone - Educational workshops to allow kids to explore the world of nature and wildlife through hands on activities.
A native plant sale and an arts and crafts marketplace.
The musical group "Bird Show of North America" will perform their trademark bird songs live while painting scenes of birds.
The garden tour, a self-guided tour of certified wildlife habitat gardens in the area, will begin promptly at 3:15 from the Tukwila Community Center. It will include a free shuttle to conserve emissions.
Visit the festival website at or call the hotline at 206-768-2822 for more information.
Festival sponsors include the city of Tukwila, National Wildlife Federation, REI, and King Conservation District.