I attended the Burien City Council study session on April 23. I was there for another topic, but sat through a presentation by the Arts Commission and was shocked to see the piece of art they've chosen for the main piece for Town Square.
It was amazing that such a controversial looking piece was being pushed without public comment (at this non-televised session). As, at least initially, the majority of council members had a negative reaction, I think they would like to slow the process down a bit.
I've sent the artist's drawing around to many friends and the main comments I've received from them are, it's violent looking, cold and uninviting, looks like a giant screw-or, about getting screwed. It's a phallic-looking, screw bolt from heaven striking down a building, menacing, ugly drilling device, etc.
Not one has said they like it. It just doesn't seem like the right art work for Burien.
I must say that I'm surprised that this caliber of artist-Dan Corson (www.corsonart.com) - would come up with a piece like this for what we're hoping will be a place for community to gather and spend time.
I absolutely love what the artist did for Cedar River Watershed-if you haven't had a chance to see the rain drum courtyard and also the snaking room installations there, do try to see it sometime. It looks like he's done many different kinds of pieces and I believe that he could come up with something more friendly and inviting.
I believe he was encouraged to think in this direction because of Gunther's Tower, a historic tower that used to be in the Burien area. I don't know if you can see it in the drawing, but the edges all around the screw-like figure are like the old saws that cleared the forests-another image I don't find inviting or forward looking.
I'm sure much work went into creating this idea, especially by the artist, but I would urge the City Council and Arts Commission to allow public comment on this very public (and expensive) piece that we will be living with for a very long time.
Rebecca Dare