(Editor's note: The following letter was sent to the Port of Seattle commissioners.)
I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep dissatisfaction in regard to the recent revelations of Commissioner Patricia Davis' actions, and request Ms. Davis' immediate resignation.
I would also suggest the rest of the Commission move immediately and vote to publicly denounce her actions as they injure the Port of Seattle's reputation and ability to meet its goals, such as being a "high performance organization."
lly, I request my letter be made part of the public record.
The facts already clearly show that Ms. Davis secretly authorized funds to [former Port CEO Mic] Dinsmore beyond what was publicly disclosed, which Mr. Dinsmore then tried to claim and therefore both parties knowingly sought to undermine public trust and authorization.
I ask, what else might have Ms. Davis and Mr. Dinsmore withheld from public view?
What is the economic impact to the Port and the region, once again, of Ms. Davis' actions?
What do we do now that that the public trust has been breached?
Any further authorizations beyond those which have already been publicly authorized would clearly be excessive and would be untimely as legislation is currently being considered by the state that would dramatically change the way Port districts are authorized to increase benefits to employees, particularly as it pertains to public oversight.
Which, I will add, is a direct result of recent actions by the Port commission regarding excessive employee compensation.
Christopher Cain
The Port Observer