Stable Des Moines fire revenue source sought
Wed, 08/01/2007
Wailing sirens can be downright disconcerting if you're on the telephone or trying to sleep. Yet our thoughts race to wondering who's in what kind of trouble as we hope firefighters get there in time to save life or property-especially if it's ours.
Community activist Wayne Corey is adamant about the South King Fire and Rescue Department's Proposition One property tax levy lid lift on the Aug. 21 primary election ballot.
A retired successful corporate sales representative-and a member of the Enhanced Public Safety Committee, King County Medic One Advisory Board and more-Wayne is one persuasive guy.
Any citizen who volunteers as much as Wayne must know something I want to know, too.
It may be advancing years, or being just plain tired of general politics, that makes me leery of proposals to fund government. However, police and fire protection needs are not among those misgivings. Particularly when all South King Fire and Rescue is asking for is continuation of its present funding and service levels-without any increased taxes with Proposition One's levy-lid lift.
They want stable six-year funding to provide emergency services and not waste taxpayers' money with an election every year. With such noble purpose how come they don't already have that?
For the past six-years, state law required emergency services to bring their request for funding beyond a 1 percent increase to the public for approval every year. Voters always passed it overwhelmingly.
The problem, Corey writes, is, "To hold the election every year is very expensive to taxpayers. King County [Elections] charged our fire district about $200,000 to have the measure on the ballot last year.
"This year legislation passed in Olympia allowing fire districts to have six-year levies. This has a potential savings to taxpayers of over $1 million dollars in 6 years."
And that is what Proposition One is planned to accomplish.
Jeff Wyman, owner of Marine View Espresso at South 219th Street and Marine View Drive, said, "I can't see why this is even a question. We want a safe city and why spend more tax money for nothing, such as an unnecessary election every year?"
South King Fire and Rescue Chief Al Church said, "For the seventh consecutive year we're placing this lid lift ballot measure on the August 21 primary election ballot to allow citizens to determine the level of fire department services wanted.
"This allows South King Fire & Rescue to maintain current levy rates of up to $1.50 per $1,000 of [property tax] assessed valuation. Maintaining the levy rate maintains current fire and emergency medical services and pays for inflationary cost of providing services."
Importantly, this also provides six-years, 2008-2013, without spending big money for elections.
Church said, "This is extremely significant considering the cost to simply be on the ballot yearly escalated from $100,000 to $200,000. Those dollars could be used more efficiently towards purchase of new fire engines, aid cars, a ladder truck, fire fighting equipment or additional fire fighters on duty."
Des Moines Chief of Police Roger Baker summarized the results of his department's voter-approved six-year levy lid lift last year.
"May 16, 2006, the community of Des Moines approved a six-year levy lid lift to restore the police department staffing and funding that had been lost in budget cuts since 1999.
"The six-year funding restoration allowed the police department to not only address current public safety needs of the community but also enhance the police department's strategic planning efforts to address future public safety needs of Des Moines.
"Sustained restoration and enhancement of [police department] public safety services would not be possible without support of our community through the six-year levy lid lift. Successful implementation of effective public safety services requires sustained funding."
South King Fire Chief Al Church said, "I would not presume to ask you how to vote August 21. I will ask you to vote, utilize you right as an American citizen and let us know the level of fire department service you want.
"We are here to protect and serve our citizens, and I am incredibly proud of the men and women in our fire department."
Sirens are music to our ears when it's for us!
Thought for the day: "A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives roses."