Regarding Eric Dickman's letter to the editor of Aug. 22, which responded to my letter printed on July 25, Mr. Dickman obviously failed to understand the meaning and content of my letter.
Nowhere in my letter did I use the Old Testament to state my position. My letter was written in response to Mr. Ottinger's letter of July 11, which suggested that Christians should restrict their reading to the New Testament only. I was pointing out the error in his logic and why the entire Bible, both Old and New Testaments, comprise the word of God and cannot be separated.
It is clear that Mr. Dickman does not understand Christianity, and the mocking tone of his letter indicates his disdain for it.
The Old Testament contains God's old covenant and the laws God set for his chosen people at the time. Mr. Dickman quotes some of those old laws, the usual ones those of the pro-homosexual agenda use in defense of their position. Once again we have a case of someone taking text out of context, which is pretext.
In the good news of the New Testament, through Jesus the laws of the old covenant were fulfilled. By the shedding of his blood, the "lamb of God" paid the price for our sins. We are now under a new covenant for the forgiveness of sins.
We all continue to sin on occasion because were born with a sin nature, we are not God and we will never be perfect. But a sin is still a sin, and we are not to continually, consciously and willfully commit a sin. The New Testament tells us that all sexual immorality is a sin, heterosexual and homosexual alike. The domestic partnership law condones and rewards what God tells us is sexual immorality. That is why we are not in favor of it.
As I stated before, Christians do not hate homosexuals, and they are certainly free to love one another. We are just against laws that condone and reward any sin.
Everyone has their own "moral compass," as Mr. Dickman states, but the only moral compass which is based on absolute truth (and without absolute truth there is no truth) is that of God.
Paula James
Boulevard Park