In your July 11 issue was a letter from the Rev. Paul J. Beeman, a United Methodist minister in Des Moines.
He made the statement that sex education curriculum must be "scientifically and medically accurate."
I would like to make a "scientifically and medically accurate" observation. No matter how two homosexuals have sex or how many times they have sex they will never produce a child. And two lesbians having sex with each other will not produce a child.
He also stated that he is the father of a homosexual son and a lesbian daughter. The reverend did not mention if he was married and how his wife felt about this matter.
The reverend must know under these existing conditions his family tree will go extinct in a short period of time, without any heirs to continue the Beeman DNA bloodline.
His homosexual son and lesbian daughter could always adopt children to carry on the Beeman name, but they would be Beeman by name only, and not by blood. Thus the reverend's family tree will go extinct.
Other families may want to consider their family tree when raising their children, and encourage them to live a life style that will help the family tree to grow strong.
Krefting M. Earl