Compiled by Ralph Nichols
The Times/News last week contacted candidates for Highline-area elective offices whose names appear on the Nov. 6 general election ballot.
Questions asked in each race and their answers appear below.
All candidates on the ballot are listed. However, due to space constraints only those with opponents were asked to respond to questions.
* incumbent.
1. Do you support Executive Ron Sims in opposing the demolition of the Lora Lake Apartments?
2. What is your position on the possible annexation of North Highline?
3. What is your top priority for fighting crime in the Highline area?
District 8
Dow Constantine (D)*
1. I support a negotiated settlement between all parties-including King County, the Port, and Burien-that would preserve as many units at the Lora Lake Apartments as possible, while promoting Burien's economic development. It is up to the governments involved to ensure that the housing is transferred into public or non-profit ownership and the current owners are compensated.
2. I support a solution that results in the entire North Highline area being annexed to a city or cities. King County can no longer afford the high quality services that the citizens of North Highline want and deserve. Any annexation must ultimately be approved by a public vote of the citizens of North Highline.
3. We must address the increasing gang activity in areas served by the King County Sheriff. I sponsored the motion to create the Sheriff's new Gang Suppression Unit, which was approved unanimously by the Council. Executive Sims has included the gang unit in his budget proposals, and I am working to ensure this item is funded in the final 2008 King County budget.
John Potter (R)
Did not respond.