Recently, a person calling himself a "Burien neighbor of yours" paid a good amount of money to send out some 6,500 letters to Burien resident in a targeted attack against a city council candidate. It was clearly a personal attempt to influence Burien voters - an attempt that many citizens would consider over-the-top.
To no one's surprise, the author was Ron S. Seale.
What is the matter with this guy? Doesn't he know that he has formed more Political Action Committees than an ex-convict has aliases? "Citizens for a Better Burien," "Burien Residents Against Annexation Political Action Committee," and now it is "Citizens for Honesty in Government." Kind of ironic, isn't it?
What is he hiding? Doesn't he know we know what the pattern is here? Well, we know each PAC he forms keeps him below the standard for public disclosure on expenditures for one thing. Why does he hide like this?
Doesn't he know that we know he originally filed to run for the Burien City Council this year - and was on the agenda to appear before the Democratic Party in his Legislative District to ask for an endorsement - then suddenly withdrew? Doesn't he know that we know the same political party saw fit to endorse the very person he is retaliating against (as well as all the surrounding Legislative Districts with Burien citizen members and the King County Democrats)?
Doesn't he know that most of his hate mail went straight into the recycle bin? I don't care how much money you have to squander in politics - Burien voters are much smarter than this toxic approach he hopes to put over on voters with mistruths, inventions and innuendos.
Susan Kruller, Chairwoman
11th District Democrats