Like some of the writers from last week's Letters to the Editor, I too recently received a vitriolic, hate-filled and inaccurate letter unjustly attacking Stephen Lamphear as he runs for a position on the Burien City Council. The letter writer, Ron Seale, cannot possibly know Stephen Lamphear. I was outraged by the drivel that Mr. Seale attempted to pass off as "fact."
I am a professional who has lived in Burien for over 30 years. I do a significant amount of volunteering in Burien, and I have known Mr. Lamphear for over 10 years. I have pulled weeds in our city's parks with him, I worked in the senior center garden with him, and Mr. Lamphear has volunteered with me at Burien Little Theatre. I also know Mr. Lamphear is self-employed and has an excellent reputation for his work.
I know Mr. Seale supported a candidate who lost in the primary to Mr. Lamphear. Mr. Seale called me before the primary asking me to vote for his candidate and when I started to point out his inaccuracies, he hung up on me. Now Mr. Seale seems to have ratcheted up his bitter rhetoric.
This unnatural obsession Mr. Seale appears to have with Mr. Lamphear is a cause of concern, but more importantly the voters should know that Mr. Lamphear is a fine person, and Mr. Lamphear would make an excellent addition to the Burien City Council.
Eric Dickman