Ballard bags win at Mount Rainier Gym
Mount Rainier coach Bob Bolan tries to rally his troops. Photo by Ed Shepherd
Tue, 12/04/2007
Not much positive to report after the Mount Rainier Rams were lopped off, 72-36, by the Ballard Braves in non-league girls basketball action at new, beautiful, stately, techno-artistic, fine Mount Rainier High School Wednesday.
But there were positives, and most of those were being shouted out by Rams coach, Bob Bolam, as the game began and the Rams were right in it to begin. In fact, the Rams led by one point after the first quarter ended, 13-12.
"Let's go, Marisa...Let's go, Sarah, Let's go Alison," were some of the positive shout-outs onto the floor by Bolam as the Rams were more than enough competition for the Braves, who play in the tough Metro conference that has Chief Sealth in it, a team that has been recent 3A state champions.
It was a game that the Rams led early from the good shooting of senior point guard Sarah Martinez, she put in a couple good shots including a pretty fadeway jumper from 10 feet out that made the score 12-11 Rams with a minute left in the first quarter. Her ball handling and good ball passing distribution made for some good shots for teammates too, like to Marisa Blair and Alison Vrbanac. Blair made a nice long jumper from 20 feet out about just before Martinez' swish-shot and that had made it 10-9, Rams at that point. There were some good rebounds by the Rams in the first quarter and some good hustle plays by Martinez leading to a steal or two in the first quarter. Vrbanac, a cross-country runner for the Rams in the springtime, was also a force running up and down the floor, playing good defense. And all that good positive stuff was good enough for a one-point lead that, unfortunately, would not be enough momentum for the Rams to keep it going past one eight-minute frame of play.
"C'mon, ladies, let's get up on them (on defense)," he could be heard saying. And there were other words, too, by Bolam, paraphrased or similar, starting the second quarter, that did help the Rams stop the Braves from scoring baskets. But not points. The Braves went to the free throw line instead of making baskets and made every shot at the stripe count.
Bolam called a timeout, or two. Or, was it three? He was trying to stop the sudden bleeding of the Braves, outscoring the Rams, 13-3 halftway through the eight minute second quarter. He was pointing at players on the bench seats as he diagrammed plays from the playbook. All the kind of stuff that is easier said than done, especially this early in the season. But the Rams were able to keep the Braves from getting to the basket, but according to the referee it was not done fairly.
The Braves were kept from scoring but not from being fouled and it led to many free throw shots in the second quarter that really changed the momentum of this game quickly with the Braves constant trips to the foul line, successful trips. And, when a team makes those free throws without any misses, as the Braves did, it was no wonder that they were no longer behind by a point like they were to end the first quarter. The Braves took eight free throws in the second quarter and made all eight. In contrast, the Rams took a four and made one.
That free throw shooting contrast was why the biggest reason why score was favoring the Braves, 37-21, after the second quarter closed. A couple long shots added into the hoop for the Braves made this game what it was by halftime.
In the third quarter, the Rams started where they had left off, and that was not good, getting outscored, 20-8. The smoke cleared on the third quarter and it was 57-29.
This is early in the season so there is a lot of time left for the Rams to turn things around, which they have done a good job of doing under Bolam. He has taken the Rams to the postseason in the past after at first the season had started out more below .500 than above. There is no reason to belieive that Bolam will not get this team, too, to recognize it's strengths, and weaknesses, and play around them with positive play as this season continues. Martinez, for one, is a phenomenal soccer player, University of Washington bound. And she will put teammates all season long in a good position with the basketball to score, close under the hoop for inside players and out to the arc for the shooters.
There's some good positives there.