Ralph Nichols' comments on Dec. 5 are yet another example of a continuous pattern of anti-liberal divisive rhetoric.
This kind of commentary reminds me of an out-of-touch conservative dinosaur that follows the old conservative strategy to take pot shots at liberals at every opportunity and to ignore the conservative failings that we are all so familiar with now.
This strategy is intended to mould public opinion and is proven to work if readers are not attentive. Fortunately, that is not the case anymore.
I feel a little sorry for Ralph. It appears that no amount of evidence to the contrary will prevent him from holding fast to a simplistic, self-validating point of view in which conservatives are good and liberals are bad. Conservatives have all the good ideas; liberals have none. What is the point of arguing with a guy like that?
Writing commentary for the Robinson Papers is a powerful and responsible activity. I believe that Ralph abuses this responsibility in the way that he writes. His commentary makes the Robinson Newspapers look like a right wing rag, notwithstanding the disclaimer that the comments do not necessarily reflect that of Robinson Newspapers. This is unfortunate. I like the paper and subscribe to it.
My choice in the future: simply ignore Ralph's comments when I open the paper. I enjoy Eric Mathison's comments, which are liberal and more reflective of South King County political values. Importantly, I do not find him disrespectful to the conservatives in the community. I also enjoy Jerry Robinson's comments.
Chuck Parrish