The Port of Seattle performance audit [by the State Auditor] brings out the need for at least three major changes in the Revised Code of Washington [RCW] governing the Port.
1. The right to take property taxes in the RCW must be abolished. The audit demonstrates that during the three year (2004-2007) of the study, $97 million in property taxes was wasted. Previous audits show that the Port only took in approximately $179 total in property taxes during a three-year period. OVER HALF THE PUBLIC PROPERTY TAX REVENUE WAS WASTED.
The Audit does not take into consideration whether the projects actually served any purpose. For example, how many times do you need to relocate cruise ship docks when the first docks have never been paid off? Several billion have been squandered on the third runway WHICH SERVES NO VALID PURPOSE except for propaganda.
Millions are being squandered in competition with Tacoma when the taxpayers would be better served by a simple trade agreement between the two ports.
2. The RCW should be changed to MANDATE Commissioner Districts in King County. At present the non-partisan commissioners (who receive only a stipend) are elected at large from the same voting base as the county executive. Campaign costs are out of pocket or from regular or in-kind donations from contractors, foreign flag ships, developers and others who benefit directly from commissioner decisions.
Election or re-election without these questionable contributions are almost impossible. The commissioners need their own constituents.
3. The Manager has too much power over the selection of projects and election of commissioners. (The past manager was reported to be a member of the Federal Reserve Board in San Francisco. A position of influence which might partly explain why no action was taken on the attempt to take an unauthorized $330,000+ retirement bonus.)
Dan Caldwell
Des Moines