(Editor's note: Free-lance reporter Joy Henley received this letter in response to a story headlined "Big need for foster families" in the Dec. 5 Times/News.)
May God bless you Joy! I sit here bawling my eyes out right now.
I just got a call from a young mom who is about to be an empty nester who told me she's been wrestling with the idea of fostering for two years. She said it's been a small voice in her mind for a long time. She said when she read your article today she KNEW she was supposed to do this.
She called me and was so moved she wants to go to a class today! This is a solid woman with convictions and faith and I KNOW she'll be a great foster mom.
I'm telling you this, I have been working on a project all day for a presentation and have been working on fostering issues since 4 a.m. and I was ready to pack it in for the day when she called me. This is a miracle already!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Marilynn Burton
Foster/Adoptive Liaison