Help in Des Moines, Tukwila for 'Messies'
Mon, 05/19/2008
"Write about something you know," experts advise, and "clutter" is right up my alley.
Truth be-known, a fair amount of our population could probably chime in, "Me too."
Does it seem like your "clutter" is giving birth to more clutter? Suddenly it's so overwhelming the urge is to run away and hide in the middle of it all-- and eat lots of cookies and chocolate. Never mind putting wrappers in the trash either, no one can find them anyhow.
How did this clutter start and grow and what is the effect on a family? Clue- -If your kids get lost in the mess it's time to get organized. If friends aren't stopping by as often, that speaks volumes too.
Enter "Messies Anonymous," an organization founded 26 years ago by a Florida lady who created a system that successfully bails clutter-makers out of their self-inflicted dilemma. Clutter creates confusion, things get lost, so we buy more and that affects everyone exposed to it, especially our families. No more clutter, no sir, not for me!
Elizabeth, a member of Messies Anonymous since 1997, says their no-charge 12-step group method works. (Last name withheld by request)
Consider behavior examples adults establish, good bad or indifferent, that kids take as acceptable living.
But is it? Do we really want them to live in clutter and pass that lifestyle to their children? Kids deserve a better chance at life and the buck of this self-defeating habit has to stop with us. It takes courage to change. It's not a shame to clutter - it is a shame to not seek help - especially free.
Highline area folks can attend meetings anytime at either Riverton Hospital, 12844 Military Road S. in Tukwila, Tuesday evenings, 7 to 8:30 p.m. or South Minster Presbyterian Church, 19834 8th Ave S. in Des Moines, Wednesday morning, 10 to 11:30 a.m. Contact Facilitator Elizabeth 206-248-2922.
Elizabeth thought she was the only one who lived like a slob. Clothes were washed on a haphazard basis and dishes often washed only so a meal could be prepared.
"My children didn't always have clean clothes or foods needed to pack their lunch. I was tired from running around trying to be perfect to the world -- because I couldn't be perfect at home," Elizabeth remembers.
Oh, how things have changed by using Messies de-clutter methods. Laundry is washed daily, the sink is cleaned before she leaves the kitchen, and her home is calmer, cooler and definitely more peaceful.
Hair appointments are made instead of procrastinating and nice clothes are worn. She doesn't overstock on holiday bargains, avoids garage sales, and buys small amounts on sale.
The backbone of Messes Anonymous is a Mount Vernon cleaning method used by housekeepers at George Washington's home. They put tools away when tours begin and start the next day where they left off.
Messies use three 12"x18" banker boxes labeled, Give Away, Throw Away, Store Someplace Else (away from home.)
Start at the front door and go around one room from drawers to cupboard, every nook and cranny and empty everything that doesn't belong there into a labeled box.
Put back only neatly organized items that do belong. Empty the Throw Away box into trash immediately. Put the Give Away box in your car trunk for a thrift store donation.
And who needs to store all those six-pack light bulbs? Buy only what's needed and keep in small marked containers.
Famous words that guarantee clutter:" I might need that someday." If it wasn't used for one year and is not of sentimental or legal value, toss or donate it.
If your house is in shambles it may be reflecting or creating a rocky marriage and children confused by what behavior is acceptable since our actions pattern their life. Enter the "Mt. Vesuvius Method," a quick and powerful clutter cleaning with no hang-up decision-making.
Attending Messies Anonymous free weekly meetings can change your home, lifestyle and children's future, while bolstering self-worth.
Continue these cleaning methods regularly and your home becomes a welcome haven from today's storm of cluttered economy, political fickleness and personal challenges.
And that conveys a warm meaning to the quote from L. Frank Baum's fantasy, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - "There's no Place like Home!"
Thought: Every day's a good day if you're here to see it."