I read with interest your article on Chinook's new principal. I have had a forty-year history with that school and have worked with the five principals who preceded Evie Livingston.
While the article was very complimentary about Ms. Livingston, it did not give credit to former principals who have made a significant impact on the learning environment at Chinook.
At one time Chinook was a solidly middle class school with strong academic and enrichment programs.
Over time the demographics at Chinook have changed dramatically. Currently 80% of the students are minority students with 40% coming from homes where English is not the first language.
Students are learning and showing growth in spite of insurmountable odds. The results you described are the result of years of hard work and dedication by an incredible staff.
I can attest to the fact that Chinook has always enjoyed strong leadership.
Please check the Washington State OSPI website to verify that gains have been consistently made on the WASL.
In the six years that Chinook has been in AYP status the reading scores have increased 25%, math scores have increased 18.9% and writing scores have increased 25%.
All of this has occurred during a time when Chinook went from 46% free and reduced lunch to 70% free and reduced lunch.
The white population has gone from 48% to 21%. As you can see the gains have been significant when the changing demographics are taken into consideration.
Hopefully Chinook will continue to make progress under the direction of the new principal.
Carol Heigh
Normandy Park