A friend invited several of us over to Burien for lunch and the July 4th parade today.
It has been years since I have enjoyed a parade so much.
It had so much down home flavor that my cheeks almost hurt from smiling so much at all of the folks in the parade.
The folks that worked on this fun time are to be commended for their great work and having such a large part in making folks smile and yell and clap.
It also was a big surprise for my friends and all of the folks around me to see Gov. Gregoire herself in the parade.
Some of the comments I heard were, "Wow, SHE is here", "There's OUR governor in OUR parade", and "Good for her", in addition to others and the outbreak of applause at seeing her was wonderful.
I know that she felt welcome, as the smile on her face was genuine. It's a shame that her upcoming opponent could not find the time to be there.
Again, thanks for the wonderful parade and for bringing back some great memories of past parades.
L.J. Pearson