So let me get this straight, you can buy fireworks in Burien but cannot use them without the prospect of getting a hefty fine.
Is that correct?
This appears to be sending mixed messages to everyone--what could be more Americana, more Norman Rockwellian--than lighting some fireworks with family and friends
This is a time of great historic American history and should be enjoyed by all.
I know it is yet another example of the nanny state trying to protect the masses from possible injury or fires.
But you know what it is going to happen. Purchases will still occur, resulting in unexpected consequences.
People will probably buy them from Indian reservations, which are more powerful and definitely more dangerous. Tribes are probably gleeful at another ban that they don't have to abide by, to their economic benefit.
The city's heart was probably in the right place, but they failed to consider human nature. People should take some responsibility for their actions, so as a result more harm is probably done by this ban.
"If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law."
Winston Churchill
English, Statesman Quotes
Mark Pitzner